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Typical skiing mistake: Leaning into the hill

False logic makes us feel safer leaning in towards the hill. It is false, because we’re on a slippery surface and we need a grip with the edges of the skis. When we lean in too much we lose this grip on the outside ski, risking the following two consequences: 1. Our feet will slide away downhill letting us fall laterally into the hill or 2. Our one leg will slide out to the side in a spread-eagle, Bambi-like position. Both of these are hard to save but it can be done if you have the strength and stability in the lateral plane. Training your hip strength is vital for being able to resist that leaning and particular strength of the inside leg will help us get out of the position before it is too late and we...

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Typical skiing mistake: Upper body rotation

While it might seem natural to turn by rotating the body to the side you want to turn to, it doesn’t help you when skiing. It forces the hips out of the turn, making it difficult to get on the edge of the ski. Finally, this makes it harder to engage in the next turn, because we then have to rotate the upper body all the way to the other side now, and every time we do big movements like this with the upper body, we defy our balance. Core strength as well as hip stability and leg power will help you get rid of this bad...

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Typical skiing mistake: Being rigid

One of the most typical mistakes you see when skiers are close to the limit of their abilities is that they get all rigid and stiff. This is a natural defensive reaction when we try to protect ourselves – or even if we try to be strong. We tighten up all our muscles. This strategy is not meant to use in the long run, though, just as a sudden reaction. Why? First of all if we are all tense, we fatigue much faster. Secondly, how are we going to mobilize strength if we are already contrated. Thirdly, when we...

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