Getting Back Into Skiing
Can you get back into skiing after two hip replacements and herniated discs?
These days I’m busy helping a client of mine who is a passionate skier. He has had 2 hip replacements over the past 3 years and recently a herniated disc in the lower back. He wants to go skiing again so badly

Preview of my ski fitness video OWN THE SKI SLOPES!
I've been asked what's deal with holding on to that handle on the cover of my latest ski fitness video (Own The Ski Slopes This Season!) And it's true, I haven't really talked about the fact that this is a new way of doing ski training that I came up...
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Does your fitness routine get you fit for skiing?
Have you ever wondered if your fitness routine actually gets you fit for skiing? There are a lot of ski fitness routines to be found on the web - only are they really designed to get you fit for skiing? It seems that if a program has a...
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Interview with freeride ski champion
Here at the turn of the season you can still get some of the excitement from skiing by watching my interview with freeride ski champion Reine Barkered. He explains what lies behind being able to blast down extreme mountain faces at speeds up to...
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Preparation of a ski champion
Preparation of a ski champion A couple of weeks ago I had a crêpe and a chat with world class coach, Jacques Choynowski, for an episode of my show Athlete Story. It was during the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang that we of course both followed in detail! I...
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